2017 Spring Campout

Categories: Events.

Scouts had a blast at our 2 night spring campout at Anthony Chabot Regional Park.  We had 2 campfire programs, a morning hike (with a geocache find!), bottle rockets, field games, and FISHING.  No one caught any fish, but what they did catch was a lot of fun and a
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May Pack Meeting

Categories: Monthly Pack Meeting.

What a great finish for the last pack meeting for the year! We tested the strength of the bridges each den made with just popsicle sticks and regular white glue! Thank you to our tiger dens 2, 3 & 15 for hosting the meeting with flag ceremony, pledge of allegiance,
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Bhudda Gate Monastery

Categories: Events.

Wow! What an experience of learning to find our inner self for our pack 996!  The Scouts, parents, and siblings got enlightened at the Buddha gate monastery in Lafayette today! A great turn out of over 70 people including Scouts and their families. Scouts experienced practicing meditation (including calm and insight),
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2017 Earth Day – School Clean Up

Categories: Events.

Happy ? day! Every human being has the responsibility to care for our earth so she can nurture our children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors.  We borrow it from our children. The Scouts (girls and Cub scouts) collaboratively showed that they care for the environment and
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2017 Earth Day – Walking School Bus

Categories: Events.

Happy Earth Day!  Pack 996 organized the walking school bus for Quail Run Elementary!  It motivated students to walk everyday, reduce pollution, and keep our earth clean! Approximately 80 students and Scouts participated in the event!  Way to go pack 996! Thank you to all the parents and scout leaders
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