2016 Scouting for Food

Categories: Events.

Pack 996 joined the rest of the Scouts throughout the country collecting food for the less fortunate.  On the first week, Scouts placed door hangers throughout the neighborhood informing people that we would back the following week to collect food.  On the second week, Scouts collected food and then had
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2016 Nov Pack Meeting

Categories: Monthly Pack Meeting.

Cubs in Shining Armor Cub Scouts learned about the knight’s Code of Chivalry and being courteous while building and firing catapults.  Toys R Us gift cards were handed out for those achieving their popcorn sales goal.  And pinewood derby was announced and kits were handed out.
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2016 Webeloree

Categories: Events.

Webelos Scouts from Dens 1, 6, 7, and 8 attended the 2016 Webeloree at the beautiful Camp Herms in El Cerrito.  There were two sessions.  One in October, and one in November.  Scouts completed the following adventures Camper, Adventures in Science, First Responder.  They also got to shoot BB guns as a bonus!
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2016 Red Ribbon Week

Categories: Events.

Cub Scouts joined forces with Girl Scouts to put up red ribbons to pledge to be drug free!  Scouts also picked up trash around the school when they took down the ribbons at the end of the week.  Great job Scouts!
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2016 Fall Campout

Categories: Events.

  Pack 996 had another fantastic campout at a longtime favorite spot, Old Borges Ranch.  Activities included a pumpkin time bomb, skiing on grass, a campfire program, and a visit to the ranch! More pictures: https://goo.gl/photos/6b2dyMH2StpEf2RG6
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