Pinewood Derby

Number of days until the 2023 Pinewood Derby Race Day:


Key Dates

  • Jan 15, 11pm: Deadline for online registration
  • Jan 20, 6:00pm – 9:00pm: Check-in cars at Quail Run MPR
  • Jan 21, 8:00am: Race day at Quail Run MPR

Past Results

Register the car

Please register your car by the deadline!  See car specifications below and rules on the left.

Join the crew

The event cannot be made possible without the help of volunteers.  Join the proud crew!

Scout or Sibling Car Entry Specifications

  • Maximum width – 2-3/4″
  • Maximum length – 7″
  • Maximum height – 4″
  • Maximum weight – 5 ounces
  • Minimum width between wheels – 1-3/4″
  • Minimum bottom clearance underneath the body (so it does not rub on the track guide) – 3/8″
  • Wheel base (distance between axles) – 4-3/8″

Adult Specifications

  • Maximum width – 2-3/4″
  • Maximum length – 7″
  • Maximum height – 4″
  • Maximum weight – 20 ounces
  • Minimum width between wheels – 1-3/4″
  • Minimum bottom clearance underneath the body (so it does not rub on the track guide) – 3/8″

Wheel treatment may assume any of the form as long as they are the original wheels from the kit.

SIZE AND DESIGN Cars must fit track. Cars must not damage track. As long as they are the original wheels from the kit. Subject to the discretion of the Inspection and Race Committee Judges present during the registration and inspection process and races.

*Adults may enter an “outlaw” car with the two following rules: 1) must be safe for the track and Scouts and 2) length/width dimensions (so that it will fit on the track and clear the timing mechanism).   Anything else (including power assist) is ok.  Any questions, please ask Som Sista or Edwin Xie!

Call for Volunteers

Pinewood Derby Race is one of the biggest events in Cub Scouts, where scouts, siblings and adults all get to participate. To make the event a success, we need a lot of volunteers to help with various aspects of the event.


We aim to have at least 2 organized workshops (volunteer parents will make their garage/driveway available, pack will provide band saw and general tools) that we would be organizing before race day. We have a band saw that is owned by the pack that we can use to carve the cars. If you wish to help organize or have tools to share, please send email to Som Sista or Edwin Xie through Scoutbook. We will be sending out update emails with dates and addresses to all registered parents.
Here are the slots available for sign-up. We need at least one volunteer per weekend for a 2 hour slot. The date and time can be chosen by the volunteer based on what works for them.
Jan 7/8
Jan 14/15
Race Track Setup: Friday, Jan 20, 6pm – 9pm
Track pickup: 2 volunteers to go to our storage and get the track at 5:30 pm.
Track setup: 4-6 volunteers
Check In (Registration, Impounding Cars, Inspection): 4-6 volunteers
Race Day: Saturday, Jan 21, 7:30am – 12pm
Pit crew: 4 volunteers
Photographer: 2 volunteers