All Pack meetings are at 6:15 pm in the Quail Run MPR
Meeting Format
- 6:15-6:30 PM: Gathering activity-activity led by host den, time for parents to do event signups, check-in with den or pack leaders with any questions
- 6:30-6:35 PM: Opening Flag Ceremony- led by host den
- 6:35-7:25 PM: Meeting
- Skits and Songs (led by Cubmaster and host den)
- Pack business items- announcements, upcoming events
- Awards- awards to give out that were earned in past month
- Activity involving all the scouts
- Raffles
- 7:25-8:00 PM: Closing Flag Ceremony
Attend Monthly Pack Meetings
- If unable to attend, communicate with your Assistant Den Leader about your absence and ensure they will be present.
- If neither den leader is able to attend a monthly pack meeting, communicate with your parents and assign your responsibilities to a parent in the den.
- Your den will be assigned to host at least one pack meeting.
- Pick-up items in your den folder in the green file folder at the table at the entrance. You will find awards, flyers, songs, etc… for the pack meeting
- Sit in your den during the meeting. Ensure good behavior and manners of scouts.
When Your Den Hosts a Pack Meeting
Each month one den is assigned to host a pack meeting (check with Committee Chair for the schedule)
- Purchase 3 raffle items (budget for all three is $30, reimbursable cost)
- Meeting set-up (tables, etc.)
- Distribute raffle tickets to scouts as they enter the meeting
- Plan a gathering activity & gather/purchase materials needed reimbursed cost of items and/or printing fees $30 max)
- Lead gathering activity at the meeting
- Skits and Songs
- Must do a total of 2 skits or 1 skit and 1 song
- If doing a song, email Cubmaster the song so the song can be included in the slideshow for the scouts to sing along.
- Flag Ceremonies- opening and closing (scripts)
- Lead the pack in the Scout Oath and Scout Law (pdf and PowerPoint)
- Clean-up
Tips when hosting a pack meeting
- Prep, Prep, Prep!! The more you have discussed and planned with all of your den families, the better the experience for all involved.
- Discuss in person with all den families what the responsibilities are for hosting a pack meeting at a den meeting the month before your host pack meeting date- LET THEM KNOW THE EXPECTATION IS THAT ALL THE PARENTS HELP OUT WITH THIS MEETING.
- Advise families they will need to arrive at MPR by 6:30 pm to set-up tables and gathering activity.
- Advise families that parents will need to oversee the gathering activity and help all scouts in completing the activity.
- Advise scouts that their job is to greet scouts as they enter the MPR and direct/ walk them over to the gathering activity.
- Gathering activity materials.
- Be conservative in your use of materials- try to find activities that use recycled materials that den materials can donate to keep purchased materials to a minimum.
- You will be reimbursed for the cost of any supplies you need to buy and/or the cost of printing any activity sheets up to $30. (The UPS store near Safeway has great copy prices!) Keep your receipts and submit them to the committee chair/treasurer.
- Assign one scout and their parent to “man” the raffle ticket table during the gathering activity
- Practice the Flag Ceremony at your den meeting the month before you host.
- Assign each scout a task- two to carry flags (with leader or parent help), one to announce/narrate, which scouts will walk behind the flags.
- Practice your skit at your den meeting the month before you host.
- Work on having the boys speak slowly, annunciate each word and SPEAK LOUDLY (in the MPR they will not be heard unless they almost shout!)
- Use props to a minimum if they enhance the skit- otherwise, the boys focus on talking to the prop instead of the audience.
- The microphone will not be available for use.
Practice your song (if doing one) at your den meeting the month before you host.
- Plan to teach all the scouts any movements that go with the song (always a hit with the crowd!)
- Raffle Prizes
- You will be reimbursed by the pack up to $30 so keep your receipt(s) and submit to the committee chair/treasurer.
- 3 prizes with a budget of $30 to spend.
- Make them “Scouty”- lanterns, flashlights, compass, headlamps, emergency whistles, a deck of scout skills cards, etc.
- Big 5 and the scout store have great little items near the register.