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Pinewood Derby 2025

The Pinewood Derby is one of the highlight of the scouting year for our scouts. It is a racing event for Cub Scouts where scouts, with the help of parents, build their own cars from wood, usually from kits containing a wood block, plastic wheels and metal axles. Often, siblings and parents joined in as well, making the event a very festive family affair. This year, our Pinewood Derby was held at Windemere Ranch Middle School. The MPR was decorated with race flags with the race track at the center. Cubmaster James even arrived fully dressed as a racer! Our
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December Pack Meeting

Our December Pack Meeting was made more festive by the socks snowball fight, especially the scouts vs leaders snowball fight! Why did we do a socks snowball fight? Socks are among the most needed items at homeless shelters but are also one of the least-donated. So after our activity, these socks were collected and then donated to a local charity. A big thank you to all the scouts and parents for your generosity, community spirit, and support! Our January Pack Meeting will be on January 13 where we will discuss the logistics of our Pinewood Derby event, happening on Saturday,
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Fall Campout

Our scouts (and parents) got to enjoy fun activities and overnight camping at Sugarloaf Open Space in Walnut Creek this past November. The afternoon started with fun games like rocket launching, tug-of-war (a crowd favorite!), and an obstacle course. Dinner was an assortment of pizzas and make-your-own taco/burrito bar with hot cocoa and s’mores roasted over a campfire as treats. The night ended with skits from every den. One of our pack parents also brought out a telescope for some planet and star watching, and an attempt to see the once-in-80,000 year comet flyby. We ended the fall campout with
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Red Ribbon Week

Just like in previous years, Pack 996 partners with Quail Run Elementary to tie up red ribbons along the perimeter of the school in observance of Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week is a week-long campaign, held in October, that raises awareness about the prevention of drugs, tobacco, alcohol, smoking, and violence. When the week is over, we untie the ribbons and also clean up trash around the school. This year, red ribbon take down was held on the Saturday after Halloween so there were quite a few candy wrappers and Halloween decorations that fell on the ground. Everyone did
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October Pack Meeting

Our October Pack Meeting was lively! The cub scouts had a lot of fun playing Human Hungry Hungry Hippos. Den 3 and 9 were in charge of the opening and closing ceremonies and they presented 2 skits which had the audience laughing. There were quite a few Cub Scouts who took part in Run for Education and congratulations to all cub scouts who earned their Bobcat badges this month! Mark your calendars! Our Fall Campout will be held on November 16-17 at Sugarloaf Open Space in Walnut Creek. It’s free for all and always a lot of fun! Register at
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September Pack Meeting

The first pack meeting after a long summer break is always exciting! For this first pack meeting of the school year, we had several prospective scouts and parents who came to check us out. We were also elated to welcome our new Cubmaster — Cubmaster James, as well as our new scouts in Lion, Tiger and Bear. The scouts were introduced to a new game — balloon stomp where they tied a balloon to their ankle. Our October Pack meeting is coming up on Monday, October 14. Hope to see everyone then!
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October Hike

When:Saturday, October 19 at 9 AM. Where:Bishop Ranch Open Space Regional PreserveParking on Morgan Street, meet at trail head at 2761 Morgan Dr, San Ramon, CA 94583 Stream View Loop, 2.2 miles, 580 ft elevationThis is a shady hike and great for the younger kiddos who need to build up their endurance. What to bring?Backpack, first aid kit, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, water, snacksWear comfortable clothes and shoes!
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Parent Info Night On Aug 15th 2024, 7pm

Here is the link to join the meeting Dial-in: (US) +1 402-859-0231PIN: 171 739 221# If you attended tonight’s virtual Parent Info Night (or missed it!), here are the slides we shared previous years. If you have more questions, please don’t hesitate to email View Presentation
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Blue and Gold & Bridging Ceremony

Blue and Gold Banquets are a tradition in Cub Scout packs. They are a celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the BSA on February 8, 1910. Along with the banquet, our pack also held The Arrow of Light bridging ceremony during our Pack Meeting this past Monday for our Webelos II scouts. The Arrow of Light is both a rank and an award. It is the highest achievement in Cub Scouting, and the only Cub Scout Award that can still be worn once a scout enters ScoutsBSA. We had a special celebration with families, friends, and special guests in attendance.
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Pinewood Derby

Our annual Pinewood Derby race happened on Saturday, January 21. We had a great turnout with 39 racers—scouts, siblings, and adults included. We started the race with the younger ranks, ending with the adults and the pack-wide speed race. Webelos II scout, Kellan Nakai won the overall speed trophy for the pack and also won the tri-pack speed race between 6 cars from Pack 995, 996, and 997. Congratulations to Kellan and big thank you to all parent volunteers for making this event a success!
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