Here is the link to join the meeting Dial-in: (US) +1 402-859-0231PIN: 171 739 221# If you attended tonight’s virtual Parent Info Night (or missed it!), here are the slides we shared previous years. If you have more questions, please don’t hesitate to email View Presentation
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Posts by Jigar Champaneria
Scout Uniforms & Handbooks
Cub Scouts have different uniforms depending on what rank they are in. At Pack 996, we ask that all scouts wear their Class A uniforms to Pack & Den meetings unless otherwise stated. We would LOVE if scouts come to the first pack meeting with their uniforms, but if you can’t get it by then, DON’T STRESS. This is a great page which explains what each scout should have as part of their uniform with a few clarifications: Clarifications: Scouts do no need scout pants or shorts (unless you want to buy them) Lion Scouts (TK & KG) only
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Parant Info Night – More about joining scouts!
The Pack 996 Leadership team held virtual Parent Info Night for families that would like to learn more about Cub Scouts prior to enrolling, here are the slides we shared. If you have more questions, please don’t hesitate to email If you’d like to enroll your son or daughter in scouts, please complete steps 1, 2, and 3 on this page:Join Scouts! View Presentation
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March Pack meeting
In March, we had a much smaller pack meeting than usual since so many of our Webelos scouts just bridged to Scouts BSA. Even though our pack is now a bit smaller for the rest of the school year, we still plan to have a lot of fun with our younger scouts. This month, we created CARboard Car Racers and raced them around the MPR. Den 8 won for the fastest racer. Den 20 won for the coolest design!
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Arrow of Light & Bridging Ceremonies and Blue & Gold Banquet
In February, our pack meeting turns into a 3-for-1 event We start the afternoon with our Arrow of Light Ceremony where our Webelos II scouts advance to the highest rank in Cub Scouts, Arrow of Light. This is basically their graduation from Cub Scouting. We had 22 scouts advance to Arrow of Light this year. We follow that up our bridging ceremony where our Arrow of Light scouts are welcomed by troops from Scouts BSA to continue on their scouting journeys. This year we had 19 scouts bridge to 4 different packs in the area. Congratulations to all of our
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January Pack Meeting
January was a busy month for us since we had a sunrise hike, our pinewood derby race, and a pack meeting. We wrapped up the month with a plunger race. This time, the scouts used just one plunger instead of two like usual. It was NOT EASY to win races!
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Pinewood Derby 2022
Our annual Pinewood Derby was back in person this January. Last year, we didn’t race due to COVID restrictions, but this year, we got back to in-person racing and had a bunch of fun the whole morning. We had 70 cars in total including scouts, siblings, and adults. Our pack-wide speed winners Anya and Alisha are the first ever girls to win overall in our pack!
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Sunrise Hike
Going on hikes is a big part of cub scouting and as part of our monthly hiking program, we took a sunrise hike in January. Since we started out before sunrise, it was pretty cold and a little overcast, but it was still a lot of fun to hike in the beautiful green hills along the Tassajara Ridge.
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December Pack Meeting
in December we conducted our annual sock drive where pack members bring in new socks to donate to local shelters. Prior to donating though, we had a snowball toss! Scouts wrapped up socks in balls and had fun playing in the MPR. At the end, we had a huge snowfall of socks! Don’t worry, we wash the socks before donating
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November Pack Meeting
At our November pack meeting, the scouts had fun playing a bunch of carnival games. Den leaders brought a variety of games that scouts could play. Our adult leaders helped our scouts play each of the games and ensured that everyone got a chance to have fun.
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