Ken Mintz
Chartered Organization RepresentativeThis person appoints the Pack Committee Chair and approves all adult leaders. They provide resources from the chartered organization.
This person appoints the Pack Committee Chair and approves all adult leaders. They provide resources from the chartered organization.
This is the organization that partners with the Boy Scouts of America to deliver a Scouting program. They adopt Scouting to serve the youth in the community.
The leader of the pack meeting is the Cubmaster. In addition to serving as the master of ceremonies, the Cubmaster provides support to Den Leaders.
The top volunteer in the pack is the Pack Committee Chair. They are responsible for ensuring enough qualified adult volunteers are in place to provide the program. They lead the pack committee meetings.
An adult, usually a parent, serves as a Den Leader. They work directly with Cub Scouts and their parents/guardians to carry out the activities related to adventures as they are presented in the Cub Scout’s handbook and the Den Leader Guide. They subscribe to the Declaration of Religious Principles and agree to abide by the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. They possess the moral, educational, and emotional qualities that the Boy Scouts of America deems necessary to afford positive leadership to youth. Den Leaders are recommended by the Cubmaster after consultation with parents or guardians of the Scouts involved, approved by the Pack Committee and Chartered Organization, and must be registered as an adult leader of the BSA.