The Pinewood Derby is one of the highlight of the scouting year for our scouts. It is a racing event for Cub Scouts where scouts, with the help of parents, build their own cars from wood, usually from kits containing a wood block, plastic wheels and metal axles. Often, siblings and parents joined in as well, making the event a very festive family affair.
This year, our Pinewood Derby was held at Windemere Ranch Middle School. The MPR was decorated with race flags with the race track at the center. Cubmaster James even arrived fully dressed as a racer! Our pack awarded the first 3 winners of each rank, as well as parents and siblings — in speed and design category, and all the scouts received a ribbon for participating. This year, we even had an award for the most fuel-efficient car!
Vishnu from Webelos II won in the overall speed category and went on to race with other packs on Sunday, in which he won first place in the speed category again! Congratulations to Vishnu!
Great job to all scouts, siblings and parents for working hard to get their cars ready for race day. Also thank you to all volunteers who helped made this event a success!