Blue and Gold Banquets are a tradition in Cub Scout packs. They are a celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the BSA on February 8, 1910. Along with the banquet, our pack also held The Arrow of Light bridging ceremony during our Pack Meeting this past Monday for our Webelos II scouts. The Arrow of Light is both a rank and an award. It is the highest achievement in Cub Scouting, and the only Cub Scout Award that can still be worn once a scout enters ScoutsBSA. We had a special celebration with families, friends, and special guests in attendance. There were pizza and salad for all and every family brought desserts to share. Each den also made Minecraft-themed centerpieces to decorate the tables.
Congratulations to Shriya, Kellan, Aadi, Alisha, Shashvat, Adith, Linus, and Ian who received The Arrow of Light award. Big thank you to all den leaders and Cubmasters Mario and Jigar, as well as all the parents who put their time and efforts into making this possible for all our graduating scouts.